Monday, December 5, 2011


The bible is full of stories that depict life as a struggle filled with uncertainty, only to bring us to a moment when everything shifts. Sometimes the character within the story is deserving of his or her circumstances, other times they appear to be reaping something they had not sown. Most of my life I’ve got what I deserved, well sort of. I’ve made bad financial decisions that have had very difficult moments to follow, I’ve made bad relationship decisions that have hurt people, I’ve pursued dreams that were more about me than others, ending up with disappointment rather than the happiness I expected. On the other hand, I could tell you of countless situations that I escaped without being caught. Whether it’s a moment of dishonesty or indulgence in something I knew wasn’t good for me.

Either way, whether I’ve deserved it or not, the Lord has a unique way of using it to make me better. Most of us know the scripture in Rom 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” This passage assures me that whatever I’m facing currently will produce something positive for me at the end of the day. I want to remind you of the story of Joseph- a guy who got a lot of what he didn’t deserve. My reason is twofold: One, most of us are reaping what we’re sowing. Very little in our life is disconnected from our not so bright moments. Joseph simply has a dream and loves to spend time learning from his father. His dream is one that shows him succeeding in life. But what Joseph can so easily see, is not recognizable by others. Why? Because often times we view other peoples successes as obstacles to our own futures. Just because someone else is blessed and being successful in their lives doesn’t in no way hinder your potential. A matter of fact when we see God blessing others, we should rejoice with them. Why? Because we should love to see our brothers and sisters succeed and secondly, the same God who has blessed them is not a respecter of persons, He will bless me also. My wife tells a story of a long line of people standing before a wealthy man. The man is passing out one by one, one hundred dollar bills. People are leaning out the line peering to the front and smiling as they watch others receive. The ability to smile is connected to the fact that they understand the man giving away the money will not be empty handed when they get their opportunity to stand before him. If they thought he was going to run out prior to them getting there, they wouldn’t be smiling. Can I tell you, our God is not going to run out. You might not be standing in the front of the line just yet, but wait, your day will come.
Secondly, the story of Joseph encourages me that if I can keep allowing God to use me where I’m at, it brings me to where I need to be. Joseph’s ability to interpret the dream of the cup bearer and the baker while he is in prison is powerful. Think of this, he’s being asked to speak into someone’s dream while his own dream seems to be unfulfilled. Nonetheless, he presses past his position and gives insight to theirs. Ultimately Joseph’s gift makes room for him. It doesn’t happen the same day, but it happens in a day. One day he’s in prison and the next he’s out.
You may not be where you want to be today- but the day is not over yet. You may not make it today but tomorrow has great potential.
Most of us look back with regret but those who have had their day do not. They look back and see Gods hand right with them. Consider Josephs words years later, Gen 50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
Your day is coming- stay faithful, stay expecting and keep a good attitude towards others. Your God is not empty handed- what a difference a day can make.

Anthony Daley