Monday, March 26, 2012


When what I think to be true is wrong- Have you ever believed something for so long and then all of the sudden find out that it’s not the truth. It’s almost like I wish I didn’t even know. It’s easier (not better) to continue believing something that is wrong rather than deal with changing your mind to what’s true. The deeper implications to such a thought, that really hits the anxiety button within us, is that if what I’m hearing now is true then how much building around the old mindset have I done. You see, everything we learn today is built on what I believe already. So if you find out that a foundational truth is incorrect, then the whole house you’ve built upon it comes crashing down. Due to this fact, most people refuse to change. Jesus said it like this- Luke 5:39No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better. We will even become hostile to protect a position that cannot be defended logically or in this case scripturally. When we can’t defend our position, our defense becomes “attack the other”.

The Gateway to Revelation is to challenge the status quo- Some Christians say you should not question God. Just accept things as they are and go on. But, I beg to differ. God tells us to ask and he’d answer, to seek and we’d find, to know and it would open. God’s not afraid of our questions! I think we’re afraid of His answers though. I’ve been studying the scriptures lately and have found myself to be discovering, through questioning, a lot of things I had never seen before. When I study, I generally try to see beyond the scripture by asking questions. This often times will lead me on an extraordinary journey- hopefully to the truth. In this season it has led me to reconsider many positions I previously once took. But I can’t just take it because someone said it. The bible encourages us to study to know the truth and the reward will be freedom. I mean think about it- if you’re going to base your whole eternity on something, I respect you and I may love you and appreciate your academic and spiritual abilities, but I’ve got to know for myself. I just can’t take your word for it. Now, you may point me to the right perspective but I need to see for myself.

A Commentary Gospel- I’ve discovered something about myself and many around me; we are commentary Christians. We rely more on other books and commentaries than we do THE BOOK. If you ask someone to give an opinion of something they generally refer to something someone else thinks rather than let the scriptures speak for themselves. Ask someone to show you in scriptures what they believe and they are all over the place. Usually they answer is I’ve been taught or it says in the bible. I’ve found out that a lot of what we’ve thought was in the bible is not there. We’ve been shaped by the perspective of others.

Don’t be Scared- Its time we get back into the word and allow God to define truth. We can’t allow the fear and anxieties of being wrong keep us from a lifelong search for the truth. Truth is, we must be willing to see it. Have you heard the expression, “You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the face?” This can be so true. Because truth is sometimes packaged in something we are in disagreement with. Jesus is standing before Pilate and Pilate looking into His face asks him- “What is truth.”

Seek truth today and be challenged. At the end of the day you’ll be able to give an honest account of where your joy really comes from. God Bless- Numbers 6:24-26

-Anthony Daley