When the writers of scripture make an attempt; even through the Holy Spirit, to give us a description of God, they rely on what they know to draw a comparison for you and I to understand. They will use words such as: He’s like, likened unto, and like as. I now realize they are not fully describing God but searching for words to describe what they have no words for.
We have reduced God to manageable terms. A.W. Tozer said, “When we try and imagine what God is like we must of necessity use that which is not God as the raw materials for our minds to work on… We need the feeling of security of knowing what God Is like, and what He is like is of course a composite of all the religious pictures we have seen, all the best people we have know or heard about and all the sublime ideas we have entertained.”
Today, most people’s pictures of God or Jesus is drawn from the Left Behind books, Passion of Christ movies, pictures on grandma’s walls, sermons we’ve heard, testimonies that attributed some action to God. I want to challenge you to not allow any of them to define God, but merely use them to help push you on a continual search for Him. Allow Him to define Himself to you.
It’s pretty arrogant to think we can describe Him. God IS more than our words can describe.
In Isaiah 6:3, “And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.” The emphatic and unexplainable cry of the seraphim’s as to the King of Glory- is simply Holy, Holy, Holy!
In Hebrew the word for Holy is Qadosh (kaw·doshe)- meaning different, separate, distinct! Think of it this way- there, they are hiding their faces from God as they shout one to another- He’s different, He’s separate, He’s distinct. In other words, they are saying there are no words to describe Him. God is more than our words and is not confined by our perspective. God’s holiness means His complete “apartness” from anything that is sinful. He is different from that which is common; He is separate from that which is defiling.
Don’t allow yourself to become familiar with a God that is far more than any definition can ascribe. There is much to Him, do not trade a narrow perspective for the beauty of the multifaceted God that He is. Never let your life become satisfied in what you know- stay driven by what you have yet to explore and expose in Him. God’s direction to you today will always lead you to a greater discovery of who He is.
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